
Wednesday, October 20, 2004

And today's question is, will the comments work?

And today's answer is, NO!

I see they haven't improved the reliability of their system much. Why add new features when the ones you have don't function reliably?

The Return of the Internet Curmudgeon

Jeez, been a while, hasn't it? Even Blogger looks different.

I'd promise to update this thing more often, but we'd both know I was lying.

Monday, March 08, 2004

Attention: Typing/Keyboarding Instructors!

It's becoming more obvious with every passing day that you guys need to spend MORE CLASS TIME on how to use the CAPSLOCK key! This certainly appears to be the single most widespread typing error in the world today, at least from evidence observed on Internet message boards.

Maybe you need to devote a week or two, just for the capslock key, to make sure everybody gets the message?

Thanks - some of us will REALLY appreciate your efforts in this area, believe me.

Monday, February 23, 2004

Hate gays? Go for it - it's allowed.

You can hate whoever you like. It's only ACTING on your hate that's illegal. Hateful ACTS will get you a nice long vacation at the cross-bar hotel where your friendly cellmate Bubba will give you a free, close-up and personal demonstration of gay sex, so you can see for yourself whether you like it or not.

But hate who you like - it's a free country, isn't it?

Sunday, February 22, 2004

John Kerry stands better than 90% chance . . .

. . . of creating all the new jobs we need.

After all, since the (cough, GOP, cough) Hoover Administration during the Great Depression, EVERY US President EXCEPT George W. Bush has presided over a net increase in American jobs.

This means 11 of 12 Presidents, or a bit over 90%, have "created" jobs during their administrations.

George W. Bush, on the other hand, is the ONLY President SINCE Hoover to LOSE jobs - almost three million of them so far. While he's not as bad as Hoover - who lost a full 25% of the nation's jobs - that's faint consolation to someone trying to feed a family on what Wal-Mart pays.

So which do you trust? The guy who's 90% certain to succeed based on the odds, or the guy who's 100% certain to fail based on his own miserable record?
Humpty isn't going back together, cons.

From: Liberals
To: Conservatives
Re: Gay Marriage - Humpty isn't going back together again

But don't worry - we liberals PROMISE that if God wants to punish homosexuals after they die, we won't interfere.

We also promise to take full responsibility if God wishes to know just WHOSE bright idea this gay marriage crap was, anyway, and not try to falsely implicate you. We solemnly swear and affirm that we will testify to the fact that you tried to stop us, but we simply insisted on dragging you right down the road to hell along with us.

If you doubt we'll do this, you're free to print out this post as proof, or e-mail it to God, assuming you have His address.

There! Feel better now?

Wanted - Nader Cheerleaders

Okay, Ralph - this is the SECOND time you've interfered in a presidential election for no apparent reason ofher than your own ego. I think it's about time leftists and progressives sent Ralph a message.

What I'd like to see is for groups of "Nader Cheerleaders" to start showing up at all Nader campaign events. NCs should wear standard cheerleader garb and carry the usual paraphenalia - megaphones, tassles, etc.

When Ralph speaks, the NCs go into their act. Hopefully this wouldn't have to happen TOO many times before Ralph and his supporters get the message that if they wanna play again, they'll have to fight more than just the GOP this time.

Below are suggested sample cheers, although you're certainly welcome to make up your own.

Nader, Nader, he's our man!
He'll put Bush back in again!

Two - four - six - eight!
Who would Karl Rove nominate?
Nader! Nader!

Vote for Nader - he's so cool!
He's not really Karl Rove's tool!

Vote for Nader as your President!
If you want Bush to stay the Resident!

It's all right - it's okay!
Ralph can't win it anyway!

Hey, Nader - by the way
How much cash did Karl Rove pay?

Two - four - six - eight!
Wolfowitz would nominate:
Nader! Nader!

Nader, Nader - he's not wimpy!
Give us four more years of Chimpy!

Saturday, February 21, 2004

Homosexuality IS a choice!

Gays choose to be gay, just like the way I choose to have my dick get hard at the thought of sex with a woman. Nothing involuntary about it. After all, it's not like men ever get hard-ons at inconvenient times and embarrass themselves, right? It's a CHOICE.

I CHOOSE to not be turned on at the thought of having sex with men.

Wait - that didn't come out right . . .
What has six balls and screws you twice a week?

Has anyone else noticed?

That Herr Gropenfuerher's tender concern for the sanctity of marriage doesn't appear to extend to the point of actually requiring him to be faithful to his OWN wife?

Friday, February 20, 2004

It's so tempting to believe, isn't it?

To believe there's a plan. To believe it all makes sense. And most especially, to believe that there will be another chance - that all those we've loved and lost will be with us again in some happy forever.

To believe we'll have another chance to set things right with those we've hurt. To believe our families will ALWAYS be there for us, forever and ever, amen.

To believe that pain and death aren't really eternal, but happiness and joy are. To believe you'll somehow - magically - come through this okay.

You won't. Look, I'm REALLY sorry to have to be the one to tell you. I know JUST how you feel, believe me - I felt the same way when I found out. But I promise you - I PROMISE you - that this is the worst thing you'll ever have to face in your life. If you can just make it through this, everything else will be a piece of cake. Trust me.

It's not really so bad, knowing that this is all there is, and that the only chance at Heaven we're going to have is whatever we manage to create for ourselves right here and now. Be strong, and you CAN deal with this.

I have. So have lots of others. And we're here for you - no BS. Say the word to us and we'll be glad to listen, sympathize, advise. We know what you're going through, because it's the same thing we're all going through.

It's called "being human." And when you get right down to it, it's really not so bad.

Thursday, February 19, 2004

AP: Laura Bush Stands by Her Man

Ladies and Gentlemen,


Sometimes, it's hard to be a woman.
Giving all your love to just one chimp.
It's not like he's your pimp,
In brainpower, he's a gimp.
'Cause after all, he's just a chimp.

Give him some ripe bananas!
Keep him away from pretzels,
and Nader's arseholes!

Tell them all that he's not lying
looking in your mirror as you primp!

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