
Monday, January 26, 2004

Response to wingers who claim Iraq "Clinton's Fault"

Gee, who would have suspected the right would haul out the old dependable "Blame Clinton" tactic? You dumbass chimp-fellators have absolutely no shame. You think you can "spin" anything.

I've heard right-wingers including Rush Limbaugh himself try to blame Clinton and Janet Reno for the deaths at Ruby Ridge. One slight problem - Ruby Ridge was August, 1992. Which is before Clinton was even ELECTED let alone appointed Reno AG. When it's pointed out that Poppy Bush was in charge, right-wingers change the subject.

Which brings up another favorite right-wing accusation - the Waco fiasco. This was supposedly the start of the awful Clinton/Reno plot to sell our civil liberties to the Chinese for campaign contributions, or something like that. But let's take a look at the calendar, shall we?

Nov 1992 - Clinton Elected
Jan 1993 - Clinton takes office
February 28, 1993 - Waco siege begins
March 12, 1993 - Reno takes office
April 19, 1993 - Deaths at Waco

Look at that, will you? If the Waco standoff lasted 51 days, like a recent right-wing e-mail claimed, that would mean Janet Reno was NOT in charge when the operation began. She was handed someone else's shitty mess and NOT ONCE did she complain about taking the blame.

Compare that to the useless asshole sitting in the White House today, who misses no opportunity to blame someone else even now more than THREE YEARS into his term. When the FUCK does he step up to the plate and accept the responsibility he swore to us he wanted?

Who WAS in charge when Waco started? REPUBLICAN FBI Director William Sessions, who amazingly enough also presided over the Ruby Ridge killings. Imagine that. Of course, Sessions had NOTHING to do with Waco; it's all Clinton and Reno's fault.

You chickenshit little GOP cocksuckers should shut your fucking mouths, and maybe we'll just vote Chimpy out of office instead of impeaching him and throwing his worthless carcass in the slammer.

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